- Spring 2025: 80740 Flows on Hyperbolic Surfaces זרימות על משטחים היפרבוליים
- Fall 2024: 80517 Measure Theory תורת המידה
- Spring 2024: MATH 255 Analysis I
- Fall 2023: MATH 320/520 Measure Theory and Integration
- Spring 2023: MATH 748 Infinite Ergodic Theory
- Fall 2022: MATH 115 Calculus of Functions of One Variable II
- Summer 2022: Group mentor in SUMRY (Undergraduate Math Research at Yale)
- Spring 2022: MATH 704 Fractal Geometry
- Fall 2021: MATH 115 Calculus of Functions of One Variable II
- Spring 2021: MATH 225 Linear algebra and matrix theory
Past teaching (at Yale University):
- Lecture notes on Infinite Ergodic Theory and Group Actions (Yale, Spring 2023).
- Lecture notes on Fractal Geometry (Yale, Spring 2022).
- Infinite Ergodic Theory and Geometry - poster presented at the 4th Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium in Jerusalem, September 2019.
- Sphere Packing in Rn - Lecture notes of a talk given at the HUJI math graduate student seminar, March 2017.
- Breuillard-Varju's inequality between entropy and Mahler measure - lecture notes of a talk given at the Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft on Additive Combinatorics, Entropy, and Fractal Geometry, October 2017.
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